I have to say, though, all the excitement of this marathon happened not on the course, but before the actual event. CAR marathons are very low key, so there are no bands, cheering squads, or any of the fanfare that you would expect at a major race. I prefer it this way because I can just get out there, listen to my iPod, and run. With that said, let me jump back in time a bit and tell you about the events leading up to the race.
Two nights earlier, I took home my running club's much coveted DSE Mongo Award, which I earned by completing 750 miles and participation in 20 Dolphin South End events. I worked hard all year long to squeeze in 32 half marathons, 8 fulls, and over 75 miles of shorter distance races with DSE. I appreciate the fact that this trophy is for a cumulative effort and not for one event. When I look at this award, I think of the dedication, endurance, and mental toughness that I put forth all year round. It is a reminder to me of how I transformed myself from that insulin dependent couch potato to a healthy individual who absolutely digs life.
The morning after the DSE Awards Ceremony & Gala, I packed up the chiweenie and headed down south to Long Beach for the marathon. The ride went smoothly up to the point when I hit LA traffic. I've said before, I'll say it again, I am not a fan of LA traffic! Geez, Louise! Stuck on the 5 for about two hours, all I could do to keep myself sane was sing Rick Astley tunes to my dog. Yes, Chewbacca is a big Rick Astley fan. In any case, I finally made it to my final destination by about 9pm. Where exactly was that destination? Motel 6.
I love Motel 6. Why? I love this motel chain because they are pet friendly. When I ran my CAR Thanksgiving Triple, Chewbacca and I had a great time at the Fullerton Motel 6. For this race, I decided to split lodging cost with fellow Half Fanatic and Miss January Endorphin Dudette, Elizabeth McKay. I quickly learned how pet friendly Motel 6 really is!
Picture it: Marathon Caped Crusader, Endorphin Dudette, two big black labrador retrievers, a chiweenie, and a cat, all at Motel 6. Yup, you read that correctly! I felt like Dr. Doolittle! Never before have I stayed in a motel with three dogs and a cat! I guess what blows my mind is the kitty. I've never known anyone who brought their cat on road trips before I met Elizabeth. It's definitely different, but certainly very cool. Unfortunately, this photo is missing one of the dogs, but as you can see, Mr. Skits, the cat, is peaking out from the window sill. In any case, all the animals and humans got along well and everyone got a good night sleep--all six of us at the Motel 6.
We all got up at 5am to prepare for the race. I tried to do my crunches and stretches, but I found myself interrupted by Duke and Nash. I ended up stretching in bathroom. After walking all the dogs and feeding the cat, Elizabeth and I ventured off to Long Beach for the race. With the exception of the rain, nothing earth shatteringly exciting happened at the marathon. I showed up, cranked up my iPod, and ran. I did get see my Marathon Maniac friends there, which is always earth shatteringly exciting. Here's a shot of Elizabeth, Ingrid, and Sarah Croft (no, not Lara Croft, Sarah Croft).
And of course, there was Mad Hatter Fancy Pants and Barefoot Todd. Do you know why Ed wears these crazy hats? Apparently, when other runners started to complain about the sun bouncing off of his bald head and blinding them, the race directors got pretty upset, so they made him start wearing "mad" hats. Now the other runners don't get mad at him anymore. True Story! And this came directly from the horse's mouth! As for Barefoot Todd, I was shocked to see that he had shoes on! Shoes, a button down shirt and khakis! If you haven't figured it out already, Barefoot Todd did not run this race.
I finished this race under 6 and half hours. I was happy to get it done. After not being able to finish last weekend's 50k, I am very happy to have completed this marathon. My confidence has been restored and I am once again back in good spirits. Marathon #11 is now in the books. Titanium scoreboard: 4 down, 48 to go!