I was gunning for a huge PR today. In fact, I wanted that sub-2 half marathon really bad. I shattered my three year personal record a few weeks ago at the Oktoberun and I wanted more than anything to do it again. I came into this race confident, knowing that this was a flat as a pancake course at my alma mater, the University of California at Davis. How could I not get a PR? Oh yeah, I forgot about Mother Nature.
Something must have happened to Mama Earth this morning because she was not in a good mood! I was on pace for that PR all the way up to mile 7, but then Mother Nature cranked up the air conditioner, threw ice cubes at us, and hosed every runner down. For a mile and half, she unleashed a relentless 20 mph head wind that wiped me out. I surrendered from miles 7.5 through 9, taking my run down to a slow shivering walk. One by one, all the pacers passed me. First it was 2:05. Then 2:10. Then 2:15. More pacers passed me, and I mentally lost it. Fortunately, we made a left turn at mile 9.4 where Mother Nature calmed down. I was able to pick up the pace and finish this race in 2:27:08. Not the time I wanted, but I'll take it!
PR!!! And by PR, I mean POUNDING RAIN! No personal records here! |
This experience would have been absolutely miserable if it hadn't been for my running buddies. I remember when I first started running these races, I would show up, run, and go home. I didn't know anybody. These days, I meet up with Half Fanatics, Marathon Maniacs, and other running peeps for various other clubs and organizations. Running for my health has definitely taken the back seat. Now, it is one big social event. Had I run this Turkey Trot three years ago, I probably would have hated every second of it. Fortunately, this time around I have all my friends to keep positive and happy!
Half Fanatics! |
Jenni, Christy, & Me. |
Me & Brian. I wanted to get a shot with his kid too, but my rain fogged up my lens! |
Christine and Sabrina. |
Me & Ryiah. |
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